As we reflect on what Jesus has done in and through Vintage Church and look to what's coming in the future, we are going to journey through a 3-week prayer emphasis focusing on Real Truth, Real Love, and Real Community.


Into music: For Thine Is A) The Kingdom B) The Glory C) The Power Forever and Ever by Derek Webb.

Sermon Resources

July 12, 2015 | Real Truth | 1 Peter 1–3

In week 1 of Anticipate, Pastor Rob leads Vintage in prayer about being "Real Truth" from 1 Peter 1–3.

July 19, 2015 | Real Love | 1 Peter 4

In week 2 of Anticipate, Pastor Rob leads Vintage in prayer about being "Real Love" from 1 Peter 4.

July 26, 2015 | Real Community | 1 Peter 5

In week 3 of Anticipate, Pastor Rob leads Vintage in prayer about being "Real Community" from 1 Peter 5.