Big Easy Jesus
There is a Big Easy Jesus around every corner of New Orleans. He can be found in a restaurant, courthouse, church, neighborhood, parade, & downtown. Although this Big Easy Jesus represents what is so great about our city, he also represents what is so dangerous about our city. This series will walk through the I AM statements that Jesus made in John. These statements proclaim that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. Invite friends and make sure to join us.
Sermon Resources
February 14, 2016 | I AM the Bread | John 6:35
In week one of Big Easy Jesus, Pastor Rob Wilton encourages all who are searching for fulfillment to receive the Bread of Life.
February 21, 2016 | I AM the Light | John 8:12
In week two of Big Easy Jesus, Pastor Rob Wilton encourages all who are searching for hope to receive the Light of the world.
February 28, 2016 | I AM the Door | John 10:9–11
In week three of Big Easy Jesus, Pastor Rob Wilton encourages all who are searching for care to receive the Door of salvation.
March 6, 2016 | Who is Jesus | John 1:1–18
This week Pastor Dustin takes a break from the "I Am" statements to answer the question "Who is Jesus?" from John 1:1–18.
March 13, 2016 | I AM The Resurrection | John 11:25–27
As we continue Big Easy Jesus, Pastor Rob Wilton proclaims that Jesus provides victory through being the Resurrection.
March 20, 2016 | I AM the Way | John 14:5–6
As we continue Big Easy Jesus, Pastor Rob proclaims that Jesus provides direction through being the Way.
March 27, 2016 | I AM the Vine | John 15:5
In the final week of Big Easy Jesus, Pastor Rob Wilton encourages all who are searching for position to abide in Jesus.
Series Resources
Community Group
Through the "Big Easy Jesus" sermon series, our community groups will be walking through an 8-week study on the person and work or Jesus.
Recommended Resource
As we look at the "I am" statements through the Big Easy Jesus series, we want to recommend a great resource on the person and work of Jesus. Check out Who Is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert. Grab a copy at our Resource Center or on Amazon.