When we look around, we recognize that each of us is unique and individually different. However, at the same time, we also realize that we hold much in common with others. These commonalities don’t appear to be accidental, but rather seem as though they were purposeful, as if Someone created us with these similarities. If we are aware of it, as we look around, we can recognize one very important similarity among all humans: we are worshippers. Countless attitudes and behaviors are often taught to us and, in time, become assimilated parts of our lives. Yet worship is different. Worship seems to boil up inside us, coming from somewhere deep within our souls. The English word for worship originates from the Old English word, weorthscipe, which literally refers to “actions motivated by an attitude that reveres, honors, or describes the worth of another person or object.”<sup>1</sup> The object of worship doesn’t have to be the same thing for all of us to be worshippers. The reality is that we as humans are often drawn to and naturally compelled to worship something. Nevertheless, why are we worshippers?
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