Almost every single person wants to make changes to his or her life. Whether it’s kicking that nasty habit or beginning a healthy habit, we are all looking for ways to create new habits that will change our lives. Some of us want to quit smoking, eat healthier, exercise more often, quit cussing, read our Bibles more, and on and on. We often fail to see how dependent we are on certain habits. We also fail to see how a few small but crucial habits can literally change our lives. What would happen if we became less dependent on bad habits? What would change if we cultivated small, healthy disciplines in our life? Join Vintage Church as we discover together how to become more dependent by being less dependent!

Sermon Resources

June 2, 2019 | Redefine Yourself | Psalm 1

Small habits change lives. Who you are determines what you do.

June 9, 2019 | Stop Making Excuses| Psalm 122

Small habits change lives. Corporate worship changes how you feel, what you believe, and what you do. 

June 16, 2019 | Set Your Alarm Clock | Psalm 119:97–104

Small habits change lives. Becoming who God wants us to be will only happen if we have God's Word in our lives.

June 23, 2019 | Don’t Forget | Psalm 116:1–14

Small habits change lives. Prayer helps us live out God’s purpose for our lives.

June 30, 2019 | Put Down Your Phone | Psalm 133

Small habits change lives. God-given community can change us when we embrace it.

Series Resources

As we walk through our Dependent series, check out these great resources on habits.


Atomic Habits
James Clear


Your Future Self Will Thank You Drew Dyck


Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Donald S. Whitney


Growing Up
Robby Gallaty


Sermon Snapshots

Check out these brief sermon snapshots from our Dependent series. Like what you see? Make sure to check out the full sermon videos above.

The Power of Habits

We all want to change, but are we willing to do the right things consistently over a long period of time? Watch as Pastor Dustin Turner challenges us to see the power of small habits to effect change in our lives.

Our Love Is Disordered

The problem is not that what we love but that we love things in the wrong order. Watch as Pastor Dustin Turner challenges us to see how worship helps us love God first and foremost.

Get Your Wisdom from God’s Word

With so many temptations and negative influences around us, we need to make sure we are getting our wisdom in life from God and His Word! What as Pastor Matthew Weaver challenges us to get our wisdom from God's Word.

God Hears Our Prayers

Despite everything that God has going on, he remains faithful to hear us when we pray . Watch as Pastor John McCann reminds us that prayer is a privilege.

Isolation Kills!

God created us for community. Watch as Pastor Dustin Turner reminds us that God created us for community, and in it we prosper.



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