Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
All of us in one way or another long to grow and mature. As Christians, we long to grow in our relationship with God. We want to become mature Christians who look more and more like Jesus. For this reason, we focus on becoming spiritually healthy. We read our Bibles, pray, go to church, serve, give, etc. While all of these things are absolutely essential to the Christian life, what many of us fail to see is that they are not enough. In our attempt to grow spiritually, we often fail to look beneath the surface and check our emotions and feelings. We brush our emotions aside and assume as if those are not critical to our overall health. In his book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazzero unpacks this critical truth—there is not spiritual health without emotional health.
This Equip Series on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality focuses on:
- Recognizing Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
- Becoming Self-Aware
- Developing New Rhythms
Teaching Resources
Week 1 | January 8, 2017 | Recognizing Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
In week 1 of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pastor Dustin Turner trains on how we can recognize unhealthy emotional spirituality.
Week 2 | January 15, 2017 | Becoming Self-Aware
In week 2 of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pastor Dustin Turner discusses the importance of and how we can become self-aware.
Week 3 | January 22, 2017 | Developing New Rhythms
Pastor Dustin closes out Emotionally Healthy Spirituality looking at how we need to develop new rhythms to become healthier people all around.
Teaching Snapshots
Check out these brief snapshots from our Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Equip series. Like what you see? Make sure to check out the full teaching videos above.
Transformation Through Scripture and Prayer
If we want to recognize where we are emotionally unhealthy, we have to read the Bible and pray with a new lens. We need to approach the Father, asking him to reveal to us what he wants to teach us, where he wants us to grow, and what he wants us to do. When we read Scripture and pray with this in mind, our time with the Lord can truly be transformative!
Find Your Identity in God
To become self aware, we must anchor our identity in God. To anchor our identity in God is to find our identity in how God sees us and not in how the enemy wants us to see ourselves. Our identity is not found in our weaknesses, mistakes, regrets, or pain. We are God's most treasured creation. In Christ, we are loved by God. In Christ, we are sons and daughters of God.
Spending Time with God Throughout Your Day
For most of us, we would never think that communicating with our significant other only once a day is enough. Why then do we think that spending time with God once a day is enough. Pastor Dustin shares about the significance of the Daily Office in finding time to be with God throughout our day.
Series Resources
Check out the resources below as we walk through our Emotionally Healthy Spirituality series.
emotionally healthy spirituality
by Peter Scazzero
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The Emotionally Healthy LEader
By Peter Scazzero
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