In the City. For the City.
This series is a journey through the book of 1 Corinthians. The letter was written by Paul (who planted the church in a very similar city to New Orleans) to the church in Corinth. We desire for this series to correspond with the three-fold mission of Vintage Church in New Orleans: Live the Gospel, Love the City, Be the Church. “Live the Gospel” was the Church at Corinth’s hope and their city’s greatest need. “Love the city” was preached by Paul as he encouraged the Church to bring a specific message to a specific city to meet a specific need. “Be the Church” was the anthem of this new church as they were called to be Christ in the city, for the city, and for the glory of God.
On this page you'll find resources on our series, including commentaries and booklets; series media, including story and other creative videos; and resources from our sermons, including podcasts, sermon notes, and discussion guides.
Series Resources
Series Booklets
This booklet is a concise introduction to the book of 1 Corinthians, providing information on all sorts of issues related to the book of 1 Corinthians. If you've never studied the 1 Corinthians before, this booklet is for you!
Series Media
Throughout In the City. For the City., our journey through 1 Corinthians, we will be doing different video projects—from people's stories to music videos to other creative projects.
I Am the City
Video that launched our series "In The City. For The City." New Orleans isn't just a dot on map or a tourist destination. It is a place filled with people from all backgrounds and walks of life, all in need of the saving, restoring work of Jesus Christ.
Story: Melanie
Melanie tells her story about being radically transformed by Christ through the love of a Vintage member who was living for the city.
Story: Mark
Mark talks about discovering the life that Christ had planned for him in pursuit of his own goals.
Story: Josh
Josh tells his story of moving from selfishness to selflessness in His pursuit of Jesus.
Story: Carla
Carla tells us how Christ is working in her life to give her dreams and hope beyond what she ever imagined.
Story: Ben
Ben shares with us how he is living In The City. For The City. both locally and globally at the port of the Mississippi River.
Story: Kelsey
Kelsey talks about serving In The City. For The City. by teaching special needs kids with autism.
Story: Lena
Lena talks about her experience of responding to Christ and spontaneously being baptized at a Vintage Baptism gathering.
We Are United
A music video produced by Vintage Church to an original song written by Jake Smith. This song was written to go along with a month-long series on Unity within In the City. For the City.
Sermon Resources
Why the City?
Pastor Rob launches our new series by walking through Acts 18:1–18 and a theology of the city.
The Man
Pastor Rob unpacks Paul’s identity, call, and team in 1 Corinthians 1:1 and challenges the Vintage Family to recognize their own.
The Mission
As we continue our journey through 1 Corinthians 1:2–3, Pastor Rob highlights the purpose and mission of the church.
The Message, Pt. 1
This week Pastor Rob presents an understanding of the Gospel and baptism.
The Message, Pt. 2
After focusing on the Gospel message last week, Pastor Rob unpacks 1 Corinthians 1:4–9 and explains how the Gospel is not only Jesus in you, but also Jesus through you.
Be United
Pastor Rob preaches on Paul’s appeal to the Corinthian Church to be united out of 1 Corinthians 1:10.
Follow Christ
Pastor Rob preaches on accountability and the importance of unity among the church out of 1 Corinthians 1:11–13.
Preach the Gospel
In 1 Corinthians 1:14–17, Paul defends his focus upon preaching the Gospel as a response to division within the church
Preaching in the City
Guest Preacher: Dr. Damien Emetuche (Church Planting Professor at NOBTS) “Preaching In The City.”
Worldly Foolishness
As part of a month long journey pointing towards Paul's focus of the Gospel, Pastor Rob presents 1 Corinthians 1:18–21 and the Foolishness of the World.
Religious Foolishness
As part of a month long journey pointing towards Paul’s focus on the Gospel, Pastor Rob presents 1 Corinthians 1:22–25 and Religious Foolishness.
Personal Foolishness
As part of a month long journey pointing towards Paul’s focus on the Gospel, Pastor Rob presents 1 Corinthians 1:26–29 and Personal Foolishness.
Gospel Foolishness
Pastor Rob wraps up 1 Corinthians 1 by unpacking Gospel Foolishness, the hope of the world.
Messenger of God
This week Pastor Rob launches back into 1 Corinthians by unpacking the importance of being a messenger of God in 1 Corinthians 2:1–5.
Wisdom of God
Pastor Rob continues our journey through 1 Corinthians 2 by explaining how "Godly Wisdom" is given by God, imparted through man, and distinct from the world.
Spirit of God
Pastor Rob wraps up 1 Corinthians 2 by explaining how the Spirit of God continues to reveal, interpret, and apply the truth of God throughout history.
Live in the Spirit
A Spirit-filled person is one who abides in Christ. Pastor Rob unpacks John 15 by stressing the importance of memorizing, praying, and being the Word.
This week Pastor Rob walks through 1 Corinthians 3 and unpacks what causes division and unity within the church.
Unity, Pt. 2 (Guest Speaker: James Welch)
We can do more together than we can do alone. Pastor James Welch from Harbor Community Church teaches on the subject of unity.
Unity, Pt. 3 (Guest Speaker: Richard Johnson)
Pastor Richard Johnson teaches us on how unity begins with our individual relationships with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Unity, Pt. 4
Pastor Rob Wilton shares how important it is to be united in community, obedience, and prayer.
Servants of Christ, Pt. 1
Pastor Rob jumps back into 1 Corinthians by unpacking vs. 1–5 and Paul's plea for a believer to be a servant, stay faithful, and check your heart.
Servants of Christ, Pt. 2
Pastor Rob continues his message on being servants of Christ as he walks through 1 Corinthians 4:6–8.
Servants of Christ, Pt. 3
Pastor Matt shows us three statements about faithfulness as a servant of God from Moses' life and Numbers 27.
Servants of Christ, Pt. 4
In part 4 of our Servants of Christ series, Pastor Rob walks through 1 Corinthians 4:9–13 and reminds us to "Reflect the Cross".
Servants of Christ, Pt. 5
Metairie Campus Leader Jonathan Griffin preaches on what reflecting the Cross looks like through Galatians 2.
Servants of Christ, Pt. 6
Pastor Rob preaches part 6 of our "Servants of Christ" series by walking through 1 Corinthians 4:14–21 and explaining what it means to make disciples.
Servants of Christ, Pt. 7
What does following Jesus mean? Tim Bray shows us a beautiful portrait of discipleship within Luke 7:36–50.
Go, Serve, Tell
After a tough week in battle with Hurricane Isaac, Pastor Rob reminds us of the most important hope for the world...The Gospel.
The Resurrection, Pt. 1
Pastor Rob unpacks the gospel from 1 Corinthians 15:1–11... Jesus came. Jesus died. Jesus arose.
The Resurrection, Pt. 2
Pastor Rob walks through the consequences of doubting the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:12–20.
The Resurrection, Pt. 3
Pastor Dustin (Metairie) and Pastor Brick (Uptown) share the practical implications of the resurrection on our lives.
The Resurrection, Pt. 4
Pastor Rob walks through 1 Corinthians 15:29–34 and explains Paul's plea to the church that Jesus is worth it!
The Resurrection, Pt. 5
Pastor Rob wraps up 1 Corinthians 15 with part one of "The Absolute Certainty of Life After Death".
Life After Death
At our Vintage United gathering at Rock 'N' Bowl, Pastor Rob wraps up the second part of "The Absolute Certainty of Life After Death" by unpacking Luke 16:19–31.
Gospel Multiplication
Metairie Campus Pastor, Jim Caldwell, and Uptown Discipleship Director, Rob Russell, share how we can be devoted to our core values of Truth, Love, and Community.
Give and Go
As we jump into our last chapter of this great book and series, Pastor Rob walks through Paul's closing emphasis upon giving and going for the Kingdom of God.
Final Instructions
After launching 1 Corinthians in August 2010, we have finally reached the end of our journey. In this closing, Pastor Rob walks through Paul's closing thoughts on Leadership, Family, and Jesus!
In the City. For the City. Recap
In the 76th sermon of the 1 Corinthians Series "In the City, For the City", Pastor Rob wraps up our journey by bragging on Jesus.