Money Talks
The way you manage your money directly reveals what is most important in your life.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21
Everyone has to deal with money, but not everyone knows how to deal with money. Money Talks will teach us from God’s Word how to talk with our money in a way that glorifies God.
Series Resources
The Treasure Principle
By Randy Alcorn
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Managing Money 101 Equip Night
Money Talks is a game-changing series for your life and possible financial chaos. For this Equip Night Pastor Matt Brichetto explained how the Treasure Principles apply to our daily life and budget. He equipped our church family by walking through both financial and time budgeting tips, templates, and cautions.
Sermon Resources
May 31, 2015 | His Money | 1 Chronicles 29:10–19
In the first message of Money Talks, Pastor Rob shares that God owns everything from 1 Chronicles 29:10–19.
June 7, 2015 | My Heart | Matthew 6:19–24
After establishing that all money is God’s money, Pastor Rob walks through Matthew 6:19–24 and explains how our treasure reveals our heart.
June 14, 2015 | My Home | Philippians 3:7–21
In week 3 of Money Talks, Pastor Rob challenges us from Philippians 3:7–21 to reflect heaven by thanking God always, seeking God first, and giving God our best.
June 21, 2015 | My Future | 2 Corinthians 5:1–10
This week, Pastor Dustin Turner continues in our Money Talks series, unpacking 2 Corinthians 5:1–10 and how we should live for the line and not the dot.
June 28, 2015 | My Joy | 2 Corinthians 9:6–15
Looking at one of the most important passages in the Bible on giving, Pastor Matt Brichetto discusses materialism, the great joy of giving, and the Vintage Church Generosity Ladder.
July 5, 2105 | His Prosperity | 2 Corinthians 8:1–15
In the last week of Money Talks, Pastor Rob walks through 2 Corinthians 8:1–15 and explains that His Prosperity demands your giving, grace, and generosity.