How strong is your anchor?
For many “rebellious grace” is an oxymoron. For Jonah, rebellious grace was the farthest thing from an oxymoron; it was reality. In the book of Jonah, we meet a prophet of God who is called by God to proclaim judgment on the Ninevites. Rather, than obey, Jonah rebels. Despite his rebellion, he received grace. The Ninevites have an opportunity to rebel, but they choose to accept the grace of God. We are all caught in the middle of rebellious grace. Will you choose to rebel or accept His grace?
Join us Sundays at Vintage Jefferson at 9 & 11a or Vintage Orleans at 10a & 5p as we walk through the book of Jonah.
Series Resources
Check out some recommended resources as we walk through the book of Jonah.
Sermon Resources
Week 1 | November 6, 2016 | Jonah 1
There are only two responses to God's grace: rebellion or faith. Pastor Dustin kicks off Rebellious Grace looking at how Jonah responds to God's grace. How will you respond?
Week 2 | November 13, 2016 | Jonah 2
Campus Host John McCann preaches Jonah 2 and shows us that the anchor of God’s grace is always there.
Week 3 | November 20, 2016 | Jonah 3
Pastor Rob Wilton walks through Jonah 3 and proclaims that the grace of Christ is the victory of the world.
Week 4 | November 27, 2016 | Jonah 4
Pastor Rob Wilton concludes our series in Jonah 4 by revealing that God will always appoint provisions of grace.