We all prioritize what we value most in life. But are the things we value most in life the things we should be prioritizing? What does God want us to prioritize? Join Vintage Church as we look at three key priorities for all of us—relationships, time, and money—and see what Jesus has to say about these priorities. Could Jesus be calling all of us to reprioritize our relationships, time, and money for him? Will we trust him enough to shift our priorities? Imagine what God could do with our relationships, time, and money if we trusted him with them. It’s time to shift!

Join us Sundays at 9 & 11 as, together, we SHIFT.
Check out more info on our gatherings.

Sermon Resources

October 7, 2018 | Your Relationships | Luke 7:36–50

We prioritize what we value most! Do you value relationships like Jesus does? It's time to shift!

October 14, 2018 | Your Time | Luke 8:40–56

We prioritize what we value most! Do you value time like Jesus does? It's time to shift!

October 21, 2018 | Your Money | Luke 21:1–4

We prioritize what we value. Do you value money like Jesus does? It's time to shift?

Sermon Snapshots

Check out these brief sermon snapshots from our SHIFT series. Like what you see? Make sure to check out the full sermon videos above.

How Do You See People?

Do you see people like Jesus sees them? Watch as Pastor Dustin Turner teaches us to reprioritize our relationships by seeing people as Jesus sees them.

Jesus Has Ultimate Authority

Do you prioritize your time in a way that reflects the authority of Christ? Watch as Pastor John McCann reminds us to reprioritize our time for God's kingdom.

Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Giving

In the Kingdom of God, it's not about equal giving; it's about equal sacrifice. Watch as Pastor Dustin Turner teaches us to see our giving through the eyes of God.


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