A Baptism Story: It’s all about Jesus

Jesus is a big deal for Vintage Church. From our vKids and Youth meetings to our Community Groups throughout the week and our worship gatherings each weekend, we talk a lot about what he has done and is continuing to do. We worship him, celebrate him, and encourage each other to follow him. One of the most exciting times of celebrating Jesus’ work in people’s lives is baptism. 

Baptism is an outward expression of the inward transformation that happens through surrendering to Jesus. To think of it in another way: as Saints’ fans we rock some black & gold and chant “Who DAT” as a way to show our commitment to a team. Another way people express their commitment to things is through social media. For instance, Pinterest is a new avenue in social media for people to express themselves, their interests and ideas. In a greater way Jesus commanded his followers to be baptized. For Jesus‘ followers this is a way to identify with Jesus and his death, burial and resurrection.    

Here’s Celeste Clark’s story of how Jesus led her to be baptized at our last Vintage United Gathering.

“When I was leaving the Good Friday Services at Vintage this past year, I asked the kids if they saw Jesus on the screen. Hearing them say no, something went off in my heart. Then after seeing the baptisms on Easter Sunday I kept feeling like this was something I wanted and needed to do. As a few more baptisms happened and my relationship with Jesus grew I knew it was time. When it was announced that the United gathering was going to have Baptisms, this was my time. 

I am a very shy person and was very nervous about the amount of people watching. I just reminded myself that this is what Jesus wanted me to do and all will be fine. It was awesome for my childhood friend Beth to be able to baptize me.” 

Has Jesus been calling you to be baptized?

If you have been considering baptism we are excited for you and would love to talk with you about it. Your campus pastor would love to talk with you more. Email:  info@vcnola.com

You can also read some of Pastor Jim’s story in “Have You Been Baptized (the right way)?”