Lessons for Vintage from the Apple Store

Photo by Neil Bird

Photo by Neil Bird

One of the biggest decisions I have ever made in my life was my conversion from PC to MAC. This decision has seriously effected the rest of my life, because MAC’s can do just about everything but brush my teeth. The decision was made in part because of the ability of the various devices, but probably the more important contributing factor was the experience of the purchase itself.

Let me ask you:  Have you ever walked into an Apple Store?

The chances are high that your answer is YES. If so you have experienced what might be one of the best retail environments our country has to offer. First, every Apple store is full of energy, an excitement like no other. There are bright colors, fun music, and cool stuff to mess around on. You don’t even have to buy anything to have a great experience. Just go and surf the Internet for a few minutes. Generally those in the store look so happy to be in the store. The environment is great and all they sell are high priced computers, phones, and other gadgets.    

Secondly, the employees, called “Specialists,” are exceptionally happy and helpful. These employees greet you, answer questions, and always move so quick and painlessly to get your product and check out completed. Next time you go into an Apple Store notice how the employees are so active in helping anyone who is in the Apple store. They seem to really love their job.

As I reflect on my wonderful Apple experiences, my mind is immediately drawn to gatherings at Vintage Church. This could either be our Sunday worship gatherings on a campus, Community Groups in homes, or Vintage United gatherings once a month.  Several times I’ve thought: “I wish Vintage was like the Apple Store.”

Just imagine church gatherings all across New Orleans and North America, filled not only with an electric energy, but also with people lovingly engaging those entering, where people were running to enter. People serving others so that they might experience Jesus Christ and surrender to Him. Imagine gathering places less like funeral homes and more like the Apple Store. For more thoughts on our Vintage Church gatherings read Pastor Robert’s blog: “Why Vintage Gatherings have Changed ” 

Apple sells computers, which are far less significant compared to the Gospel. As Christians, our privilege is to serve Jesus by serving others. Serving at Vintage Church happens in 3 different expressions: Individually, within Community Groups, and at our weekend Gatherings. Currently our campuses have between 7-10 new guests per week per campus who come to a worship gathering. So we need all of you to join up and help.

 I want to challenge you to respond in 4 ways:

  • Plug in with a Campus
  • Join up with a Community Group
  • Serve on a vTeam [vKids, Connect, Production]
  • Introduce yourself to someone & invite them to your Community Group

The Lord is using our Community Groups and Gatherings to impact New Orleans, join up and serve others with us.