Should We Really Talk about Money?

Photo by Andrew Magill

Photo by Andrew Magill

Money is a foundation of our society, impacting the way we live and interact with others on a daily basis. All of us need it to survive. Some of us have more than others. The reality is that money might be one of the most powerful driving influences in our lives. Given money’s role and authority, it is vital for Christians to maintain a proper perspective. Here are 3 thoughts on money shared by Pastor Rob:

1. Jesus talked about money

Jesus discussed money as a part of His teaching. To not talk about money within the church would rob the church of a significant portion of Jesus’ teachings. His teachings pointed towards the reality that money is deeply tied to a person’s heart. He focused on changing the heart, because He knew that a change in the heart would lead to outward changes. The way in which we use our money reflects outwardly what is happening within our heart. Further, to give our money reflects Jesus, who gave the ultimate sacrifice, Himself.    

2. Money resources life change 

Sometimes people have a problem with discussing money within the church. But when there is another cause needing financial support, often the mindset changes. For example, in regards to cancer research we will raise funds, give of our time and energy, and promote and participate in any way we can to help find a cure. We do this because we know that money resources life change. Although money is not the only way that God changes lives, money does provide for changing lives. God uses money. So as we give our money we are participating with Him in saving people’s lives.   

3. Vintage Church needs money

We are a church living out a big mission to proclaim Jesus to our city, region, and world. God provides in so many ways, including tithes, offerings, and outside fundraising. In 2013 we set our budget believing that the Lord will completely provide. In order to reach our giving goals, we need everyone to faithfully give this year. This might look different from person to person. For some, this may look like giving a tithe for the first time, that is giving 10% of your income to help the vision and mission of Vintage Church. Others may simply commit to give a monthly a gift (this could be anything from $50 to $500 a month or more). We want to continue to multiply the Gospel through individuals, community groups, and gatherings in New Orleans and the world. We want to serve our city and WE NEED YOU.

Help us multiply the Gospel throughout our city, region, and world. Give HERE.

Watch the 2012 Annual Report Presentation

This post is adapted from the sermon “He Reveals Through Jesus Part 2” by Pastor Rob.