God Did What…?!: Discovering Why the Bizarre Stories of the Old Testament Matter

I don’t know about you but when I read the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, I am often confused. As I read the Old Testament I come across some of the most bizarre stories. Often these stories seem to make no sense and have little to no purpose for even being shared. If you’ve never read some of these stories you should check them out. Here are just a few examples. After God saves the world through Noah we read in Genesis 9 that Noah gets drunk and then naked in front of his sons. What?! How crazy is that? In Genesis 15 we hear about God putting Abraham to sleep and then a smoking fire pot and torch literally floating between animals cut in half. Again, what in the world is going on? In Exodus 4 we learn about God almost killing Moses because he isn’t circumcised. So Moses’ wife gets up and circumcises him right there. Finally, the book of Hosea seems to be pretty crazy because God tells the prophet to marry a prostitute. All of these stories and more seem bizarre and pointless. What I want you to know is that they matter and are in the Old Testament for a reason.

Because these stories are so important I want to invite you to our next night of Equipping and Training. We’re literally going to be talking about the bizarre stories of the Old Testament and why they matter. If you are interested in studying the Old Testament on a deeper level or simply just want to know why the bizarre stories are in the Old Testament, you will not want to miss this night. The event will be Wednesday, April 24th from 6-8:30. We will also be providing spaghetti dinner that evening. The Revolution (our Vintage Youth) will be preparing and serving the dinner and are asking for donations for their summer youth trip. Childcare will be provided. During the evening we will also be providing some training material.

Because we will be providing dinner as well as training materials, I am asking that you please RSVP to me so we can get an adequate count. Please RSVP by emailing me at dustin@vintagunited.tv. This is going to be an awesome time of equipping and training. I can’t wait to see you all next Wednesday night!