Stay Connected To Our vKids

Dearest vKids Parents and Leaders,

If you have not already, check out the vKids’ Facebook page and Twitter account. It’s pretty cool, or at least it will be. In order for it to achieve its maximum potential, we need you. So what is the goal of vKids social media?

  • Information: The reality is that social media is probably the best way for us to disseminate information quickly and to as many people as possible. Are we starting a new curriculum? Does your kid need to wear pajamas to church today? Are we bringing in a giant slide to serve as our new check-in system? These are the types of announcements that will come from social media.
  • Education: Periodically we will post blogs and videos that we think will make you a better parent and better example for your kid(s). Parenting can be really, really tough, especially in this day and age. We all want the same thing: healthy, happy kids who grow up to know Jesus and do good in the world. Let’s use this page to share tips and encouragement with one another.
  • Community: Parenting can be lonely. The only thing worse than not living up to your own expectations as a parent, is doing it alone. Parents need community. You don’t know when to start feeding your child solid food; someone in our church community has been there before. You are a stay at home mom and want your child to play with other toddlers; other parents in our community want the same thing.

So first, share, like, comment, join, and engage. This isn’t a place for us to just spit information at you; it is a place for you to connect with other parents. Post links to articles you have found helpful. Let other parents know if you are going to the park. Ask questions and share prayer needs. Our prayer is that we may find new ways to find truth, love, and community as we partner together for our kids.

With Love,
Josh Cook