Vintage Church 2014 Highlight & Report

Hey Vintage!

2014 was another amazing year! In this post, you will find two things: (1) a 2014 Vintage Church highlight video and (2) the 2014 Annual Report. This highlight video and annual report are great summaries of how Vintage is multiplying the Gospel all over New Orleans and beyond. Thank you so much for your partnership!

As we continue this journey into 2015, we are already seeing Vintage break new records in attendance and life change. Together, with your continued partnership, we are making a big impact in our world. Click the picture below to check out our 2014 Highlight video.


Keep GIVING Your Time 

We are a church that loves gathering together at our weekend gatherings, our weekly community groups, our mission sites, and at the 5000+ plus festivals around New Orleans. Keep being faithful in all these opportunities. We love hanging out!

Keep GIVING Your Talent

So many people have gone to the next level, from faithfully attending to faithfully serving. I am so thankful for all those who are serving in various ways, from our Staff Team to our CG Leaders to our vTeams. If you would like to serve with one of our teams, please visit

Keep GIVING Your Tithe

I am so thankful for God’s financial provision throughout the history of our church. Please continue to give generously to Vintage Church. If you would like to set up an automatic gift, please visit

Thanks again for all that you partnered with us to do in 2014. God is truly moving in such a way that He alone receives all the glory!

Pastor Rob

Click image to view our 2014 Annual Report

Click image to view our 2014 Annual Report