Important Events as the MORE Initiative Launches This Sunday

It might be hard to imagine right now, but another fall season is right around the corner.

We hope you have enjoyed your summer and are getting settled back in to your routine. This August at Vintage, we’ll be doing some unique and very exciting things. We want to let you know about some important events taking place this week.

On Monday & Thursday night we are hosting “Coffee Talks” where Pastor Rob Wilton will share some information about the MORE Initiative. Please swing by, weʼll have coffee and dessert

  • vJefferson, Monday, July 27th (7-8pm)
  • vOrleans, Thursday, July 30th (7-8pm)

On Sunday we will unite together at 9:00 am at Vintage Jefferson for the launch of the MORE Initiative. We will be setting up and meeting in a climate controlled tent at 9:00 am exclusively for all of August.

There will be no 5:00 pm Orleans gathering on Magazine Street.

We believe this will be a defining season in the life of our church. We are believing God for MORE for our church, MORE for our city, MORE for our world. Our Connect team will be out to welcome and help you get to where you need to be. Our vKids team will be utilizing most of the facility for their Sunday morning ministry.

Click here for a map to Vintage Jefferson.

If you live in Orleans and need transport to Vintage Jefferson please us know at We will work out transportation for you.

We look forward to seeing you. MORE is coming!

Vintage Church Staff