1 Story, 1 Prayer, 1 Need: A GX Update from Jonathan & Amanda Griffin in San Antonio

It’s been three years since the Lord called us to plant the Gospel in San Antonio. We sold everything we had and packed it into a Uhaul and moved our life to San Antonio and left behind our deepest friendships and relationships at Vintage Church. Now, 1 church plant and 2 kids later, there isn’t a week that goes by that Amanda and I don’t spend time reminiscing about the time God gave us at Vintage Church. We are so thankful for what God is doing at Vintage and we are praying alongside you for MORE. As a GX partner, I am excited to update you with all the things God is doing here in San Antonio through our partnership in the Gospel! 

1 Story

One of the most amazing stories of this past year is Marissa. We met Marissa at a college fair where we were inviting people to an “on-campus” Bible study. She approached our booth and told Pastor Al, “I don’t know anything about Jesus. I have heard people talk about him but I don’t know anything about him. can I come to your bible study?” The answer to that question is ALWAYS “Yes!” Through many months of searching and questioning, Marissa describes her time at The Well like this, "Before The Well and the people that compose of it, I was lost, without curiosity or care. God, in His grace, used people of The Well to break my wall of indifference, so that my heart would swell in the light of His love. I have been saved by His hand, and The Well is a chosen tool for stirring my raw affection and eternal gratefulness." Not only did God change Marissa’s life, but she has been used by God to lead her mom, dad, brother, and sister to Jesus in the last few months and they now regularly attend The Well! 

1 Need 

This past week I challenged the people at The Well that  our goal this next year is to see more people come to know Jesus than in any year before. In order to accomplish this goal, we are asking for our partners to pray alongside our church family for one main thing: space, more poignantly a home. Our current space is without air conditioning and as we see more people come to know Jesus and brought into our family, we are praying for God to provide a home for our church family. This would centralize our grace- driven efforts in our community and would be key to reaching the most densely populated area in San Antonio. We pray for God to provide a spot in our area so we can multiply the Gospel where many are looking for hope. We pray that this is the year they find hope in Jesus Christ at The Well.  

1 Prayer

Hope. Our community is in need of hope. Many wander through life oppressed and addicted with no hope of freedom. Our community often runs to different external “fix-it” remedies seeking freedom and meaning. Will you pray for The Well to be a place where the community would see Jesus as their only source of freedom from the bondage of sin and that in Jesus they can “never thirst again.” 

Thanks for praying for us, giving to us, and standing alongside us to see the city of San Antonio come to know Jesus! We miss you and cannot wait to be together again one day!