1 Story, 1 Prayer, 1 Need: A GX Update from Ryan & Seane' Rice in Algiers


Ryan Rice is the lead pastor of Life Church in Algiers on the Westbank of New Orleans. After living in Baton Rouge for some time, he returned to his home in Algiers, feeling called by God to plant a church. After spending a year at Vintage Church in training with Pastor Rob Wilton, Ryan was sent out to plant Life Church this past year. Life Church exists to serve the City of New Orleans by proclaiming a message of Hope, Healing and Restoration through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can learn more about Life Church at http://lifeforthecity.com. Below is 1 story, 1 prayer, and 1 need from Pastor Ryan Rice. 

1 Story

What is one cool story of what God is doing in Life Church?

We began Life Church New Orleans in January. At our second service, we met a young couple Ray & Adrian and their two kids. We began to see them almost every weekend at service. Adrain was a believer, but Ray, who had grown up in church, was not. Adrian had been praying for Ray to come to faith in Christ since they were married. After several months, Ray and Adrian opened their home for a church fellowship. At this meeting, Ray began to share with me what he thought of salvation, Christ, God, etc. I challenged him to read the Book of John. Up to this point he had never read any book of the Bible. After about a week, Ray text me and said he finished the entire book of John. When I asked Him what God showed him, his response, "Jesus is the only way." A few weeks later Ray was baptized. This was a great answer to prayer. We are praying for even more stories like Ray's. 

1 Prayer

What is one way we can pray for you and Life Church?

Looking forward to 2016, we are praying we can see more people come to faith in Christ and that we will see those new believers become part of our discipleship groups and get on mission with us to reach our community. 

1 Need

What is one thing that you are asking the Lord to provide for you and Life Church?

We are asking God to send more laborers to physically join us on the church planting journey.  Additionally, pray that we can find a new location to meet in that will poise us to reach more families in the Algiers area.