Your Invitation to Vintage’s First Equip Series: Living Faith

Over the past several years, I have had the awesome privilege of leading or hosting several different “Equip Nights.” We’ve discussed everything from how to study the Bible to the Holy Spirit to prayer. Almost everyone I know who has attended these evenings has loved them. While it’s like drinking from a fire hydrant, the Equip Nights are invaluable times of equipping and training. You can find all of our past Equip Night material here.

Launching Equipping Series

Vintage Church believes in equipping the church! In fact, that is exactly what Paul commands church leaders to do: “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). One of my primary responsibilities as the Equipping Pastor of Vintage Church is to help equip the body for the work of the ministry. One of the ways we will be doing this is by expanding our Equip Nights. While we might continue to have Equip Nights periodically, this fall Vintage’s Equipping Ministry is launching “Equipping Series.” Our goal is to have three Equipping Series per year. These three different series will be seasonal and will focus on three different areas:

  1. Biblical Book Focus
  2. Theological Topic Focus
  3. Christian Living Focus

Our goal is to teach on one of the above focuses in the Fall, Spring, and Summer each year. These Equipping Series will be approximately four to six weeks in length. 

Living Faith: An Equip Series through the Book of James

Our first Equip Series is launching this Fall on Wednesday, October 7th. This first series will be a 6-week study through the book of James. The series is entitled: “Living Faith: An Equip Series on the Book of James.” This series will be led by me with the help of some of our other staff, including Pastor Rob Wilton. This Equipping Series will be on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 pm at Vintage Jefferson in the tent. Childcare will also be provided. 

I hope you will join us for this inaugural Equipping Series. No doubt, this is going to be an incredible time for our church. See you next Wednesday night for “Living Faith!”

Event Details

  • Living Faith: An Equip Series through the Book of James
  • 6-Week Study beginning Wednesday, October 7th & ending on Wednesday, November 11th
  • Vintage Jefferson, 6:30-8 pm
  • Childcare provided