Do You Know What It Means to Be Human?

Design by Christopher Wilson

Design by Christopher Wilson

Last week we kicked off our latest Equip Series. You can find all of our previous Equip Nights and series here. This 4-week series is on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 pm at our Vintage Jefferson location. For these 4 weeks, we're looking at what it means to be human. While all of us are human, we might not all recognize what it means to be human. We also might have a flawed view of what it means to be human. If you were look to popular media and our culture to define what it means to be human, you would most certainly discover a multitude of opinions. 

While our culture can teach us something about what it means to be human, we want to go to the source of truth to determine what it means to be human. That means rather than look to creation to determine what it means to be human, we look to the Creator to determine what it means to be human. 

Over this 4-week Equip series, we are going to look at four ways in which God defines humanity: (1) Created in the image of God, (2) created physical & spiritual, (3) created male & female, and (4) created with purpose. You can find the video, audio, and teaching notes from this Equip Series below. Also, we have some images of the infographic created for this series below. 

Join us this Wednesday as we kick off week 2 of What Does It Mean to Be Human!