CHANGED Prayer Guide & Opportunities

Next Saturday, August 20th, Vintage Church is hosting our next CHANGED event at the Civic Theatre downtown. You can learn more about our CHANGED event here. We are praying and believing that Jesus will change lives on this evening. In anticipation of CHANGED, here are some great upcoming opportunities:

Street Teams

On Monday, August 15th from 11:30am-12:30pm and Saturday, August 20th from 8:30-11am, we will be hitting the streets of downtown New Orleans to pass out invites and personally invite people to Vintage's CHANGED event. If you are interested in being a part of a Street Team, meet at the Civic Theatre on Monday at 11:30am and/or Saturday at 8:30. If you have any questions, please email 

Relaunch of Wednesday Morning Prayer

This Wednesday, August 17th we are kicking back off our Wednesday morning prayer. Join us at Vintage Jefferson from 6:30-7:30 am as we pray for CHANGED this Saturday. If you cannot make the whole time or need to show up late or leave early please still come. 

CHANGED Prayer Guide

Over the next 7 days, we want to pray for our upcoming CHANGED event. Below is a brief guide to help you specifically pray for CHANGED and all that God is going to do through the event. The prayer guide begins on Monday, August 15th and ends on Sunday, August 21st. 

Monday, August 15th

Today pray for yourself. Pray that the Lord would give you a renewed passion for Him and His mission of seeing the lost saved. Take some time to read and pray through Psalm 51:9-11

Tuesday, August 16th

Pray for at least 1 person you are going to share the gospel with and/or invite to CHANGED. Pray that the Lord would empower you with His Spirit and that you would be bold to share and invite. Pray that the Lord would soften their heart to the gospel and the invitation to CHANGED. As you pray, read Luke 10:2

Wednesday, August 17th

Because CHANGED is downtown, we want to spend today praying for downtown New Orleans. Pray for those who live downtown, work downtown, and party downtown. Pray that the Lord would save all of those people. Pray that people who live, work, and party downtown would come to CHANGED. Pray with Jeremiah 29:7 in mind. 

Thursday, August 18th

Today, pray for those leading the CHANGED event (Hebrews 13:7), including Pastor Rob Wilton who will be preaching and Pastor Robert Hargrove who will be leading our Music Arts Team. Pray that the Lord would prepare their hearts and minds and protect them from the enemy as CHANGED draws near. 

Friday, August 19th

At our CHANGED gathering, we will be opening the night with several baptisms. Romans 6:5-14 teaches us that baptism is such an important element to the Christian life. Pray for those being baptized, that they would understand the importance of baptism and that the Lord would protect them from the enemy. Also, pray for those who might be saved at CHANGED. Pray that they would respond in baptism. 

Saturday, August 20th

Today is the day! Spend some time praying for the CHANGED event. Pray for the Civic Theatre and its staff as well as those coming to the event. Pray that the Lord would already be softening hearts so that they would respond to the gospel and be changed (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). Ultimately, pray the God would be glorified through CHANGED. 

Sunday, August 21

Thank God for all of the lives that were changed! With Matthew 13:1-9 in mind, pray for those who made decisions last night. Matthew 13 discusses seeds sown and Jesus teaches us that some seeds stick and sprout while others fall on infertile soil or are plucked away by Satan. Pray that fruit comes from the seeds sown at CHANGED.