An Invitation to Our Next Equip Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

All of us in one way or another long to grow and mature. As Christians, we long to grow in our relationship with God. We want to become mature Christians who look more and more like Jesus. For this reason, we focus on becoming spiritually healthy. We read our Bibles, pray, go to church, serve, give, etc. While all of these things are absolutely essential to the Christian life, what many of us fail to see is that they are not enough. 

In our attempt to grow spiritually, we often fail to look beneath the surface and check our emotions and feelings. We brush our emotions aside and assume as if those are not critical to our overall health. In his book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazzero unpacks this critical truth—there is not spiritual health without emotional health. 

Join Vintage Church over the next three Sundays as we discover the truth about emotionally healthy spirituality. In three weeks, we will look at: (1) Recognizing Emotional Unhealthy Spirituality, (2) Becoming Self-Aware, and (3) Developing New Rhythms. Regardless of where you are in your walk with God, I promise this Equip Series will give you the tools to become both spiritually and emotionally healthy!

Design by Chris Wilson