Too Good for Us
/March 7
Psalm 86
“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”
Lent is a perfect time to be reminded of God’s love. During Lent we anticipate God’s greatest demonstration of his love—the death and resurrection of Jesus. No other two events have more clearly shown the love of God. We cannot forget that God himself is the source of love. Love is not just an action or feeling of God. Love is actually his nature (1 John 4:8). In Psalm 86 we read of God’s love for us. The psalmist describes God in so many ways: good, gracious, abounding in steadfast love, one who answers, great, doer of wondrous deeds, merciful, faithful, helper, and comforter. No doubt, God is good to us.
One particular phrase, however, sticks out: “abounding in steadfast love.” Steadfast love is a translation of the Hebrew word, hesed, which is God’s covenant love. In the Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones defines this covenant love as “a Never Stopping, Never Giving up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.” What a definition! Simply put, we cannot out run God’s love. The moment you think you are too sinful for God to love you is the moment he reminds you of how much he loves you through Jesus. As we prepare for Good Friday and Easter, remember that God abounds in steadfast love. He will never stop loving you. He will never give up on you. He will love you always and forever.
- Think back over your life. What have been signs of God’s unending love for you?
- How can you daily remember God’s steadfast love for you? Think of some practical ways to be reminded of his love.
- Close your time by praying, thanking God for his steadfast love.