Vintage Church Pittsburgh—Sending Pastor Sean & Family

We celebrated the sending of Sean and Tiffany Englert to Pittsburgh to join Pastor Rob Wilton and the launch team this week. The Englerts have faithfully served at Vintage Church New Orleans in many different roles since 2008. Over the last year Pastor Sean has transitioned out of education and into pastoral ministry. Sean will serve as one of the pastors for Vintage Church Pittsburgh. This new Vintage Church will be planted in strategic partnership with the North American Mission Board’s SEND Network and Long Hollow Baptist Church.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:37–38).

Of all the things that Sean and Tiffany would like prayer for as they transition the most important thing is for the “first salvation in Pittsburgh.” We’re dreaming of and asking for a harvest of 1,000’s in Pittsburgh, but at this time one of the most important things we can lift up over the next few months is for that 1st salvation. Will you join the Vintage Pitt Launch Team in praying for that 1st salvation?

If you’re interested in Pittsburgh, or partnering with Vintage Pitt, the upcoming Catch The Vision Tour July 31–August 2 is an incredible opportunity.

Vision Tour Purpose

  • Explore the city in-person to gain a better understanding of what it means to plant churches in an urban environment.
  • Meet church planters and see their ministries first-hand to explore potential partnerships.
  • See communities that are in need of churches to send a planter.

Register at Pittsburgh CTV.

We are amazed at all that the Lord has done over the last decade in New Orleans and are excited to see all He is going to continue to do in New Orleans, Pittsburgh, and beyond in the next decade. We believe that the best is yet to come!