Close Enough to Confess

Close Enough to Confess

Tomorrow is Sunday, the day when the church gathers to worship Jesus, be equipped for ministry, and encourages one another. While we need to make Sundays a priority every week, during Lent Sundays are a day of celebration in the midst of repentance and reflection. In the midst of all of this, however, confession is one of the crucial elements of the Christian life we have lost. I think most Christians recognize the importance of regular confession to God, but we fail to heed what James tells us: “confess your sins to one another.”

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Urgent Prayer Request from Pastor Rob

Urgent Prayer Request from Pastor Rob

I can’t believe that we’re home. On the one hand, the last five weeks went by way too fast for my family. We had a blast resting, playing, traveling, reading, and turning off. We were so blessed to make some lifelong memories. On the other hand, the last five weeks went by real slow. We really missed our friends and family in NOLA and couldn’t wait to get back. This break was never about fleeing a life that we hate. Instead it was about retreating from a world that we love and are honored to serve so that we can continue to walk faithfully in this call. 

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