We often associate missions and outreach as a separate area of our Christian lives and not something that is holistic and all-encompassing. We think to ourselves that we will go on mission if the church announces a mission trip somewhere, or even more, we will do outreach in our community if the church puts an outreach day together. Although mission trips and outreach days are not in themselves bad and they should happen, we should not be dependent on them in order to live on mission.

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This Sunday we are going to look at how we need to GO URGENTLY to multiply the Gospel and impact the world. A couple of years ago I posted two blogs about sharing Christ with the world. This past Sunday I shared in summary the importance of being fishers of men. As we prepare for this Sunday, check out this video from last Sunday and re-read over these two blogs.


Let’s remind ourselves of the words of Jesus.

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19

Fish II: What and When

Simply put, fishing is all about sharing Jesus. I wanted to write a follow up blog sharing some more details of what we have been called to share and when we should share the Gospel.