I Lovingly Disagree

I Lovingly Disagree

I think we can all agree that the last year or so has been an interesting one.  Especially the last few months. I don’t remember a time where I have seen such an “us versus them” mentality, whether it be religion, who to vote for, foreign policy, etc. I’ve been processing and trying to walk through some things, but y’all I am struggling. I’m not writing this to share my personal opinions on specific topics. I’m writing this because these are some of my observations and maybe some of you can relate as well.  

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Loving to Maturity

Last week we established that spiritual maturity is much more than just head knowledge. Pastor Dustin wrote that in order for one to be spiritually mature, they must first and foremost love God. Loving God gives us the perfect foundation for growing in our spiritual journey. After we claim that spiritual maturity is impossible without loving God, we must then begin to take next steps, so that our belief can be followed by actions.

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