Can You Do It Alone?

Can You Do It Alone?

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been discussing church membership. In particular we’ve answered two questions. First, we answered, “who is the church?” You can read that post HERE. Last week, we discussed this question: “what is church membership?” That post can be found HERE. While understanding who the church is and what church membership is are important, those two questions really just laid the foundation for where we are going today and next week. 

Today, we are asking this question—“Why is church membership Important?”

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Do You Know What It Means to Be a Member?

Do You Know What It Means to Be a Member?

Last week, we kicked off a new series on church membership. I answered the question, “who is the church?” In particular, we looked at how the church is first and foremost the people of God saved by Jesus Christ. We also saw how more often than not, the Bible’s understanding of the church is local before universal. Finally, we mentioned how institutional and community are not at odds with one another. The church should be both institutional as well as people-focused. If you missed that post, you can find it HERE.  

After laying that foundation last week, we can now ask this question—“What is church membership?”

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Who Is the Church to You?

Who Is the Church to You?

Vintage Church unashamedly believes in church membership. We call it Vintage Partnership. We believe the Scriptures teach the importance of being connected and committed to a local church. As a pastor of Vintage Church, I am surprised at how many people don’t understand the significance of church membership or are actually against church membership. It’s my belief that, for the most part, people who don’t understand or are against church membership, simply have not been taught about church membership. Over the next few weeks, we are going to discuss church membership.

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