Monday Morning Reflection: Living on Purpose

Monday Morning Reflection: Living on Purpose

Yesterday, we wrapped up our journey through the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, looking at the church at Laodicea. If you missed this sermon or any other of the sermons through apocalypse, you can find them at


Jesus levels against the Laodiceans one of the most difficult words he gives to all seven churches. Jesus says this to the Laodiceans, “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16). The point of this rebuke is not about spiritual passion or apathy; the point is about purpose. As we saw on Sunday, Laodicea was situated between two other cities: Colossae and Hierapolis. Colossal was known or its cold, refreshing water. Hierapolis was known for its warm, medicinal waters. Laodicea did not have a natural water source, and so water was pumped in from these neighboring towns. When it arrived in Laodicea, it was lukewarm—good for nothing! The church at Laodicea had lost its purpose.

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Life at 26

Life at 26

Ten years ago I was a junior in high school. If you had asked 16-year old Emily where she thought she would be at 26, she probably would have told you something that looks very different from the life I am actually living now.  

My Checklist

In high school I was very much influenced by my surroundings and adopted a checklist of certain expectations for my life. Here were the big ones:

  1. Graduate college in four years.
  2. Get married by 22.
  3. Have my first kid by 25.
  4. Start my own business before 30. 
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