An Encouragement from Pastor Rob

Hey Vintage Fam!

I just got back in the country after an amazing trip of ministry and fun in Europe. Thanks for all the prayers and for allowing me to take a little breather this summer. God is doing so many amazing things through our church. Thanks Pastor Brick and Pastor Dustin for filling in for me over these last two weeks. I’m so thankful to be in this movement!

After some time turning off, I have come back to an avalanche of opinions over the various challenges in our country. I don’t want to address these things now on this post. The Vintage Pastors have been discussing and praying about all of these things for a long time. This next week, we will be meeting soon and I will present those thoughts at Vintage this next Sunday. I do, however, want to encourage each of you to consider the following:

  1. Pray to Jesus
    • I always receive incredible peace when I pray. The main reason for this is because in prayer I am spending time with Jesus…who never panics. The tomb is still empty, death is still defeated, and Jesus is still Lord. His Gospel is still advancing all over the world. I was so encouraged by our brothers and sisters in Romania. Make sure to pray to Jesus first and most.
  2. Love all People
    • Any time challenge arises there is an opportunity to truly love. Jesus didn’t just love when people loved him; he loved when times were hard. I really am concerned by the lack of love being shown by a lot of people who claim to be the church. Social media is a dangerous place to proclaim our feelings. Every comment or post should always be proofread through the lens of the Gospel. To be honest, social media rants and power statements online are cowardly. Most would never say what they say in person. Whether online or in person, let’s love the city! May our city know us because of our love.
  3. Study the Word
    • There are ton of incredible resources online and I’m not talking about your mama’s twitter. Vintage has always worked hard to provide incredible resources. Make sure you check all the resources on our blog and throughout each series. But even those resources cannot be a substitute for God’s Word. Before you start to engage in discussions during this challenging time, make sure you know the Word. The Bible is absolute truth and our church militantly obeys every page. Why would we study or quote people when we have the perfect wisdom of God?

I love you guys and am thankful for how each of you continue to live the Gospel, love the city, and be the church. Can’t wait to share with you more about this great Gospel opportunity we have in our world to exalt Jesus.

Pastor Rob