The Team Behind the Scenes: The Role of Production Volunteers

Who They Are

As the Media Arts Director of Vintage Church, I get the pleasure of leading the Production vTeam. The Production vTeam are the guys and gals who serve behind the scenes on a Sunday. From mixing the audio to running our presentation software to operating a camera and more, the Production vTeam is made up of technical artists who, for lack of a better term, produce our Sunday gatherings and various other events.

What They Do

The mission of the Production vTeam is to create an environment where people can worship freely and without distraction. I have previously written on this topic in a blog titled “Sleek, Subtle, and Sexy: How Visual Environments and Media Affect a Worship Gathering.”

Join the Team

We are always looking for more Production volunteers. As Vintage grows and expands, there will continue to be opportunities for anyone to serve and use their gifts. I talk to a lot of people who feel overwhelmed or intimidated about serving on the Production vTeam. My response is always to ask, “Can you use a computer?” If the answer is “Yes,” there’s a place for you on the team. I can name a list of people who have no prior knowledge or experience in production, but, with a little training, they serve faithfully. If you do have experience and passion about production and tech arts, you should be using your gifts and passions to serve God and the local church.

If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering with the Production vTeam, please e-mail me at