FREE Financial Coaching & Teaching on Managing Money

Photo by John McCann

Photo by John McCann

Money is a powerful tool, that when used rightly can enable and empower a person and family. But money is also powerfully destructive to people and families when mismanaged or abused. What is interesting is that either happiness and fulfillment or pain and stress come from how we manage our money. In Psalm 90:10-17 we are called to number the days of our life, which will most likely be 70, 80, or 90 years, so that we can maximize our opportunity to work on Jesus’ mission of seeing the Church impact lives in our city and world.

A major part of the Money Talks series was an evening of equipping in which Pastor Matt Brichetto provided advice, discussed best practices, and walked through spreadsheets that help with budgeting money and time. If you are in financial chaos, struggling with budgeting, or overspending you should take time to watch the teaching video. Download our resources below and begin to unlock the principles that will bring more JOY to your life.

Managing Money 101: Equipping on Spending, Budgeting, Giving 

Click to download budgeting worksheets.

Check out our Money Talks Series page for more resources.

For more Equip resources please visit our Equip Training Webpage.