CityView and Community


Picture this scenario for me:

What if we all stopped talking to each other? What do you think would happen?

What if we stopped caring about the real needs in our communities, stopped dreaming about creative ways to meet them?

What if we stopped pursuing truth in all facets of our life and experience?

That's not a setting I'd want to find myself in. But it's one that surfaces all too often in subtle and individualistic ways.

I can think of countless times where I've embodied one of those what-ifs. That lack of meaningful action can be incredibly deceptive, because often it's comfortable in an ignorance-is-bliss kind of way.

But that's not how we were designed to live.

When I look at how Jesus lived and acted, I see someone who was willing to talk to anyone, who sought to bring healing and relief to people's needs, who brought truth to people in relatable and meaningful ways. Those qualities have ultimately pointed people to him as the remedy for their deepest need, intimacy with God. 

Part of the reason I have enjoyed getting to dream and plan with the CityView team is because every month that we get to organize a night, I get to see people forging meaningful conversations, becoming aware of real needs around them, and seeking to find truth in the complicated reality of their lives.

At the heart of CityView, we value relationships. We have not been made to navigate life alone, and God actually included the intrinsic need for community in our relationship with Him. When we find our identity in Christ, we gain a family of people we can live life with, lean upon, and learn from.

I echo Paul's prayer: "May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 15:5-7)

CityView is nothing without its community, and we have an awesome community. If you've come and checked us out, thank you. For those of you who've given us comments and feedback, thank you.

We're already planning for new things in the spring, and we're excited for what lies ahead for the CityView community. If you haven't checked us out in a while, we'd love to connect with you. You don't have to live on an island when there's a seat at the table for you.

Don't miss this month's CityView, Adult...ish, Thursday Nov. 12 @ 7pm. We're at the Vintage Arts Center at 4523 Magazine St. We'll have some special guests and great live music, but it'll be even better if YOU are there.