The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about habits. This direction began with a podcast—The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. On his podcast, Pastor Craig Groeschel interviewed James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. Originally I listened to the podcast simply as a way to grow in my leadership. However, that podcast has taken me on a journey researching and investigating the power of habit.

After listening to this podcast, I picked up Clear’s book and quickly read it. I then picked up another book, Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit and now I’m reading one more—Drew Dyck’s Your Future Self Will Thank You. After engaging all of these resources, my thinking shifted from leadership to spiritual growth. This shift in thinking led me to even adjust Vintage Church’s summer preaching series. Why this shift?

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Life Groups, Life Change

Life Groups, Life Change

At Vintage Church, we believe that community is so important. Coming to a Sunday worship gathering serves a significant purpose in someone’s personal and spiritual life, but even that alone will not be enough to provide the depth and focus that we all need to have a thriving life after Jesus. Because of this, we have vGroups, which are groups of 10-20 people who meet throughout the city for transformation, connection and multiplication. These vGroups are where men and women from all walks of life meet in people’s homes to fellowship, study God’s Word and pray together. Although vGroups are extremely important, we are also excited about our Life Groups. Life Groups are gender-specific groups of 3-5 people who meet regularly for the purpose of focused discipleship. We have some people who are in Life Groups already, but we want to see many more step people into this as well. 

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One Another

One Another

Christianity has always been a communal religion. In our Western American culture, we celebrate independence. The more isolated the better. Needing help is a sign of weakness. This independence is foreign to the Bible. From the beginning the church gathered together regularly, loving and caring for one another. The church in Acts worshipped together, ate together, and shared their things together. They knew that they needed one another.

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I want our home to be a place of peace and rest, a safe haven for all who enter. I want people to feel comfortable, to walk in without knocking and open the fridge if they need the milk. I want to sit around our table and on the counter tops and eat cookies and talk and laugh. I want people to feel loved and valued in our walls. I want them to feel Jesus when they walk through the door. 

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vGroups: Join a Group. Change Your Life

vGroups: Join a Group. Change Your Life

On Sunday, Vintage Church kicked off our latest series, vGroups. If you've been at Vintage Church for any amount of time, you know that for the past several years, we have had Community Groups throughout the greater New Orleans area. While our Community Groups are incredible, we are renaming our Community Groups to vGroups for three reasons

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