See Life Differently by Looking Through the Eyes of a Lion

What will you do when the unthinkable happens in your life?

Jesus encouraged listeners that “in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Suffering isn’t really a matter of “if” but more of “when.” Each of us have unfortunately faced a devastating loss, terrible time, challenging obstacle, loss of a job, or some other painful season. In the midst of the pain, there is a way to have HOPE. When we open our eyes and heart to the Lord there is incredible power available to each of us.

On November 8th, Levi Lusko will be preaching at Vintage Church. He will be sharing his story that has recently been told in his best-selling book Through the Eyes of a Lion. This book and message will inspire us and show how we can find incredible power while facing impossible pain. Don’t miss this life changing message so that you can walk by faith.  And invite family and friends today that also need to hear this encouragement.

We will have copies of Through the Eyes of a Lion on hand Sunday. You can also buy it on Amazon.

For more information on Pastor Levi Lusko or to use our promotional images visit our webpage Through the Eyes of a Lion