Monday Morning Reflection: The #1 Question We All Ask

Monday Morning Reflection: The #1 Question We All Ask

This weekend was no doubt you a unique weekend with the arrival of Hurricane Nate in the gulf. While we didn’t gather corporately in person, we were at least able to gather together through technology. If you haven’t watched our online gathering, you can find it HERE. 

Nevertheless, we continued in the Apocalypse series, looking at Revelation 4–7. I want to remind you to check out all of our sermon resources, including an introduction to Revelation at Also, don’t forget about our upcoming Equip Series: Unveiling the Apocalypse. I know I probably didn’t come close to answering all of your questions about things like the seals, 144,000, and other unique elements. That’s what the Equip Series is for! Join us for 4 Sunday nights (10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12) from 5–6:30 pm. 

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See Life Differently by Looking Through the Eyes of a Lion

See Life Differently by Looking Through the Eyes of a Lion

What will you do when the unthinkable happens in your life?

Jesus encouraged listeners that “in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Suffering isn’t really a matter of “if” but more a “when.” Each of us have unfortunately faced a devastating loss, terrible time, challenging obstacle, loss of a job, or some other painful season. In the midst of the pain there is a way to have HOPE. When we open our eyes and heart to the Lord there is incredible power available to each of us.

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