Consider a Year-End Gift to Vintage Church

Vintage Family,

It is hard to believe that another year is wrapping up. 2015 has been a great year at Vintage Church and because of your generosity we’ve seen many lives changed. This year we have seen many people saved by Jesus and baptized. One of these amazing stories happened when someone from our Vintage family cared for and loved one of her coworkers. After some time the coworker began attending Vintage, got baptized and is now faithfully journeying with our church. She has a newfound joy that is evident each Sunday. The Lord is working through our church to impact New Orleans and the world. Thank you so much!

As this year closes out, will you consider Vintage Church in your year-end giving? Your gift is tax deductible and December 31st is the last day to give towards our ministry in 2015.

Ways to Give

  • Give Online at
  • Text “vcnola” to 77977 and follow the instructions
  • Mail check postmarked December 31st to 6221 S. Claiborne Ave. #609 New Orleans, LA 70125

Thank you again for your generosity. Believe with us that 2016 will be the BEST YEAR EVER!

Pastor Rob