The Cooks Are Moving to Denver

Josh and Sarah Cook are following God’s call to plant a church in Denver, Colorado. 

It has been something that God has been developing in their lives for many years. It began with a love for Christ and a desire to see the world come to know the good news of his Kingdom. God showed them that the way he accomplishes this is through the local church and that cities like Denver don’t have enough of them. He also birthed in them a love for urban areas and the next generation. Josh and Sarah hope to see and be a part of what the next generation church looks like in the heart of Denver.

Over the next few months, they will continue to prepare and learn under Pastor Rob Wilton as they get ready to move in August 2016. After that, they will partner with a local church in Denver where they can learn what ministry looks like in the city. Then, after that time of training and a whole lot of prayer, they will plant a church in urban Denver. 

If you would like to know more, check out this sermon from January 3rd, where Josh shares about the way that God called them to this work.

If you would like to join them and stay updated on their progress, fill out the form here: