Respond: Music Arts at Vintage Church

Photo by Scott Mohrman

Photo by Scott Mohrman

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
to declare Your steadfast love in the morning,
and Your faithfulness by night,
to the music of the lute and the harp,
to the melody of the lyre.
For You, O Lord, have made me glad by Your work;
at the works of Your hands I sing for joy.”

Psalm 92:1–4

Highlighted throughout the Bible and so richly painted in the Psalms, we see response to the Lord through musical worship. I recognize that today in most congregational settings guitars, keyboards, and many other instruments have replaced the lute, harp, and lyre, but the Lord’s steadfast love remains the same. Jesus never changes. Yes, He is worthy of all our praise. And we have the blessing of song to usher in that holy praise. “It is good to give thanks to the Lord.”

At Vintage Church, we love gathering for worship, to sing and play to Jesus together. Musical worship is after all giving worth and placing honor on the Lord through song. Musical worship, whether in a corporate community setting or in private, is a response of praise (giving worth) and positioning of our hearts (placing honor) toward Jesus. I spoke more on why we sing together corporately not too long ago. You can find that blog post here. Here are a few thoughts I shared about gospel-centered Music Arts in congregational gatherings.

  • Jesus gets the glory and victory in celebration. Jesus deserves our highest praise. Ultimately, when we respond to the Lord Jesus through musical worship we are giving Him all the glory. We are identifying in Christ and not in our sin. We are set free to celebrate and glory in Jesus alone.
  • We encounter God. When we respond to the Lord, singing His praise and believing in Him, we are truly seeking His face and His will. There is an expectancy to meet with the Lord, to give glory to Jesus, and to grow a heart of desperation for an encounter with God. This is a worship that addresses each person of our Triune God.
  • Scripture is declared and proclaimed.
  • We remind one another of why we gather. Our rehearsal of eternal and everlasting praise together reminds us of God’s promises and of our covenantal relationship with Him.
  • We give a sacrificial act and an offering of praise.    

Our worship through music arts is an act. It is a choice of faithfulness and obedience. It is taking any and all thought and attention off of ourselves and placing it completely on the Lord Jesus, for His glory alone. We appreciate, encourage, and invest in music arts at Vintage Church. Whether singing Scripture songs and ancient hymn texts, playing instrumental arrangements, or writing new anthems for the church, our goal is to glorify and lift high the name of Jesus together.

I’m thankful to lead our Music Arts team at Vintage Church and oversee our Arts Ministry. What I also want to communicate in this blog is a deep thanks to those who already lead with our arts team and a request to many others who haven’t yet stepped up to serve at Vintage Church. We have a stellar volunteer crew made up of 25 instrumentalists and vocalists who lead each week with our team and we’re not finished yet. In fact, it’s an ongoing mission to grow our Music Arts team as well as our entire Arts Ministry in every area. Specifically, if you are a musician I’d love to hear from you and be able to share with you about our audition process and more of what all is involved when serving and leading with our team.

You can check out more about the Arts Ministry at Vintage Church by going to our new Music Arts page. If you are interested in auditioning and serving with our Music Arts team at Vintage or have any questions, please use the contact form and share more with us through the Music Arts page.