Lead Pastor & vStudents Pastor...Let's do this!!!

Last night was a bitter sweet time for the vStudents as we said "see ya later" to Marshall Henderson. Here is a pic from last night.

Marshall has been serving as our Generations Director and has focused on leading and building our vStudents ministry. He has done a great job laying a foundation for our church of the future. Marshall and his family will be leaving us in a couple weeks as he is pursuing God's call to serve in a new ministry in the coming months. This was as much of a surprise to the Henderson family as it has been to us. The Vintage Pastors have affirmed that Marshall has received a call from the Lord. 

Vintage Church exists for Gospel Multiplication. This has been accomplished in many ways--One person telling another person about Jesus, one community group multiplying to start another community group, one location for worship multiplying to two locations for worship. We have also accomplished this vision by sending church leaders around the world. We have church planters, church leaders, and missionaries all over the world that have been SENT OUT by Vintage. We are excited to consider this move by the Henderson family in the same way. Our church not only celebrates our gathering capacity; we celebrate our sending capacity.

So...what about vStudents? 

Before Marshall shared these plans with us, God had already prepared my life for the title of this blog post. I was speaking at an incredible students event near Charlotte a few weeks ago. As I was preaching and worshipping, the Lord really challenged me as a lead pastor to roll up my sleeves with our vStudents. We have already made some huge plans with the MORE INITIATIVE for this ministry and we are excited to keep following God's vision for our future. I really love student ministry, as it has been a focus for most of my ministry life. I've spoken in student camps, conferences, and events literally all over the world. I've studied student ministry and realized that almost every significant movement of the Lord has always had a thriving student ministry at the center.

The moment that I heard that Marshall was going to be sent out, Jesus began to speak to me. I met with the Vintage leadership and shared that Jesus was calling me to go all in with our vStudents. After a time of prayer and discussion, we have affirmed this call. I am officially accepting the position of vStudents Pastor and I'm stoked!

We had an incredible time sharing this news with the vStudents, their parents, and the rest of the church. We have made some adjustments in my job description so that I can remain faithful to my position as Lead Pastor as well as a chaplain with the Saints this season. We have already made some incredible plans for the fall and I have no doubt that the best is yet to come!

As we believe Jesus for MORE RESOURCE FOR OUR CHURCH and as I begin this journey leading vStudents, I am praying for the following:

  1. That many many many many many students in New Orleans will receive salvation in Jesus.
  2. That we will build a framework for our vStudents ministry that not only loves and cares for the students and families that we have but also equips them to be salt and light in and for our city.
  3. That we will establish a strong leadership team of ministers, volunteers, parents, and students that will serve as our church of the future.
  4. That the vStudents ministry will help spark a revival throughout Vintage Church, New Orleans, and the world that will only be explained by God's glory!

I love being a part of this family called Vintage and I love serving as your Lead Pastor and now, vStudents Pastor!

Pastor Rob 

For more info about how you can get involved in vStudents: