Announcing Our New Generations Director

Announcing Our New Generations Director

Today we are excited to announce Nick Perret as our new Generations Director of Vintage Church. Nick is born and raised in New Orleans, and in fact spent the majority of his childhood only a few blocks from our church ministry facility. Nick and his family have been at Vintage for many years and has served in various capacities at Vintage and other churches in New Orleans over the years. Since the Lord first drew Nick’s heart toward ministry, his passion has been to reach the young people of this beautiful city for His Kingdom. He believes they are the future.

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Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Resources for Parenting: Parenting Beyond Your Capacity

Hey Parents! Over the next few weeks, we want to share some resources we have been researching for you. We hope that these materials will provide an outlet for you to learn, grow, and be encouraged in your unique role as a parent. Know that Vintage Church is here to partner with you. 

First up! Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family to a Wider Community (The Orange Series) by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof. 

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Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Why Be Generous?: Generations Ministry

Some of the greatest potential impact for Jesus lies within the next generation. And we think this was the most fun and fruitful year to date in our vKids and vStudents ministries. Here's some numbers that we celebrate: 

  • 1,857,639 goldfish eaten 
  • 567,623 bounces in inflatables during outreach events 
  • 13 new family additions (birth & foster)
  • 7 Kids & Students baptized
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Lead Pastor & vStudents Pastor...Let's do this!!!

Lead Pastor & vStudents Pastor...Let's do this!!!

Marshall has been serving as our Generations Director and has focused on leading and building our vStudents ministry. He has done a great job laying a foundation for our church of the future. Marshall and his family will be leaving us in a couple weeks as he is pursuing God's call to serve with a church in North Alabama. This was as much of a surprise to the Henderson family as it has been to us. The Vintage Pastors have affirmed that Marshall has received a call from the Lord. 

Vintage Church exists for Gospel Multiplication. This has been accomplished in many ways. One person telling another person about Jesus. One community group multiplying to start another community group. One location for worship multiplying to two locations for worship. We have also accomplished this vision by sending church leaders around the world. We have church planters, church leaders, and missionaries all over the world that have been SENT OUT by Vintage. We are excited to consider this move by the Henderson family in the same way. Our church not only celebrates our gathering capacity, we celebrate our sending capacity.

So...what about vStudents? 

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