Detox Devotional - Day 11

Thursday April 21: Daniel 11

In spite of present evil situations, God is in control! He has always been and will always be sovereign. The prophecy given in this chapter is amazing when you read history and see that everything God shows Daniel is fulfilled exactly. God knew and controlled the Babylonians, Persians, Alexander the Great and his four sons. When the Antichrist arises in power and unleashes havoc, God will still be in control. Daniel concluded by saying “Yet he shall come to his end, with none to help him” (v. 45). The infinitely powerful God who guides the events of history also extends His guiding hand daily to each Christian. How do you need God to be your guidance? 

Deeper Study: Compare yourself with Gideon (Judges 6–7).

Ask God for direction in the area of life that you currently need Him most.