Detox Devotional - Day 12

Detox Devotional - Day 12

In the end, the ultimate victory goes to the Lord God Almighty. Satan and his followers will receive judgment and shame while God’s children will receive honor and everlasting life. Until then, our job is to be a vessel that God uses to show people the righteousness that is found through faith in Jesus. (v. 3 & Romans 3:21-24) There is an inheritance awaiting the ones who faithfully finish the race. Today direct your focus towards going strong until the end (v. 13).     

Deeper Study: 1 Corinthians 15. Rely on the same power that resurrected Christ.

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Detox Devotional - Day 11

Detox Devotional - Day 11

In spite of present evil situations, God is in control! He has always been and will always be sovereign. The prophecy given in this chapter is amazing when you read history and see that everything God shows Daniel is fulfilled exactly. God knew and controlled the Babylonians, Persians, Alexander the Great and his four sons. When the Antichrist arises in power and unleashes havoc, God will still be in control. Daniel concluded by saying “Yet he shall come to his end, with none to help him” (v. 45). The infinitely powerful God who guides the events of history also extends His guiding hand daily to each Christian. How do you need God to be your guidance? 

Deeper Study: Compare yourself with Gideon (Judges 6–7).

Ask God for direction in the area of life that you currently need Him most. 

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Detox Devotional - Day 10

Detox Devotional - Day 10

John Piper describes prayer as a wartime walkie-talkie for the mission of the church against the evil one. Daniel experienced spiritual warfare in this chapter as evil forces challenged his prayers. But the resistance made him even more fervent and earnest (v. 12-13). In the same way that the iPhone and other smart phones are powerful tools in the hands of business professionals, so is faithful prayer in the hands of Christians. Today, focus your heart on asking your heavenly Father for understanding, strength, and the Words of Life to speak. Use prayer for the proclamation of God’s Glory.  

Deeper Study: Meditate on Ephesians 6:10-20. Prayer is for wielding the Word.

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Detox Devotional - Day 9

Detox Devotional - Day 9

Daniel’s prayer stands as the model prayer for us to follow as we intercede on behalf of New Orleans, North America and the world. The beginning (v. 4), the end (v. 17-19), and everything in between is primarily focused on God. God-honoring and God-glorifying prayers are ones that have Him placed at the center. God does all that He does because He is who He is (v. 17-18). The answer for accomplishing Vintage’s world vision of reaching the nations must be found in God Himself (v. 19). This type of prayer has an impact upon our daily lives because we realize that God is even more passionate about His interests and purposes than we could even imagine. Today, use this chapter as you pray and, as Daniel did, bring God’s greatness and glory into your prayers for His sake.   

Deeper Prayer: Use Nehemiah 1:4-11 to help you be in continuous prayer today.

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Detox Devotional - Day 8

Detox Devotional - Day 8

Daniel was so overcome by the visions of the future suffering of his people that he was set back a few days (v. 27). At this point Daniel didn’t fully understand the vision. Further details were to come later, but until then Daniel got on with his work. When you think about the enormity of the task facing Vintage Church in New Orleans, how do you respond? Today let these thoughts drive you to diligently pursue sharing with people how they can become a child of God. 

Deeper Study: Soak up Luke 15. God’s heartbeat is to find that which is lost.

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Detox Devotional - Day 7

Detox Devotional - Day 7

The most important truth that comes from chapter 7 is the vision Daniel receives regarding the sovereignty of God. The Most High is the supreme ruler that controls history and human nature. This is at the core of the gospel that we share with our friends and coworkers. At one time we were all eternally separated from God, but the amazing thing is that God did the impossible by making redemption available to us through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23-24). The Most High is a conqueror and His saints receive the eternal kingdom (v. 17-18). Will you live in the power and victory of the Most High today? 

Deeper Study: Colossians 1:15-29. Commit yourself anew today to the gospel.

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Detox Devotional - Day 6

Detox Devotional - Day 6

This chapter is packed FULL of meaning and application for our Christian life. Today our focus in on prayer as exemplified in verses 10-11. When a law was proclaimed against prayer, Daniel’s immediate response was to go home, kneel down and PRAY! Prayer was an integral part of his daily life. Today if one of your lost friends barged in on you at home, where would you be found? Are you paying attention to earthly kings or your heavenly King who is the King of kings and Lord of lords? Today get so actively involved in sharing your faith that you have to passionately pursue guidance and strength from God. 

Deeper Study: Compare the pictures of the living God in Daniel 3:8-30 & 6:16-27.

Allow these passages to explode your view of God, who is more than able!

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Detox Devotional - Day 5

Detox Devotional - Day 5

The story in Daniel quickly becomes a thriller with the intense drama in this chapter. In the ancient world, kings had all the power to either reward or punish people within the kingdom (2:5-6). Daniel boldly announces the bad news no matter the cost. How courageously do you proclaim the Good News that Christians possess? May we say: “Nevertheless, I will make known to you the interpretation” (v. 17).

Deeper Study: Compare Daniel 5:18-23 with Matthew 23:1-11.

Greatness comes from serving. How will you humbly give of yourself today?

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Detox Devotional - Day 3

Detox Devotional - Day 3
  • Who or what has your full attention today?
  • Who are you serving today?    
  • Who are you worshipping today?

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three Jewish studs that trusted in the Most High God who is all-powerful and in whom there is no other. They committed to worship God more because of who He is rather than what He would or would not do (v. 17-18).  

Deeper Study: Examine how Paul defines the Christian life (Philippians 1:12-30).

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