Detox Devotional - Day 9

Tuesday April 19: Daniel 9

Daniel’s prayer stands as the model prayer for us to follow as we intercede on behalf of New Orleans, North America and the world. The beginning (v. 4), the end (v. 17-19), and everything in between is primarily focused on God. God-honoring and God-glorifying prayers are ones that have Him placed at the center. God does all that He does because He is who He is (v. 17-18). The answer for accomplishing Vintage’s world vision of reaching the nations must be found in God Himself (v. 19). This type of prayer has an impact upon our daily lives because we realize that God is even more passionate about His interests and purposes than we could even imagine. Today, use this chapter as you pray and, as Daniel did, bring God’s greatness and glory into your prayers for His sake.   

Deeper Prayer: Use Nehemiah 1:4-11 to help you be in continuous prayer today.