Detox with Vintage Church

Today Pastor Rob Wilton kicked off our latest series, "Detox." In Detox, we will be spending the next three weeks looking at the book of Daniel as we seek to (1) Detach from the world, (2) Attach to God, and (3) Unleash into the world. 

Detox is a very strategic series for a very strategic time in the life of Vintage Church. Last week, as our  new vJefferson auditorium is being finalized, we went all in at the Vintage Arts Center, our vOrleans location. While we are excited for this new auditorium to be completed, we also recognize that this is an important time in the life of our church. The worst thing we could do is get excited about a new auditorium and forget about the importance of seeking God as we seek to reach more people. So, Detox is an opportunity for us to turn toward God as we anticipate the opening of our new vJefferson auditorium on April 22nd and 24th. 

In anticipation of the launch of our vJefferson auditorium and as we journey through the book of Daniel, we want to invite you to join us on a 10-day Daniel fast from April 12th - 21st. On Sunday, Pastor Rob described what this fast will be like. Just as Daniel fasted from the food the King of Babylon gave him, we too are fasting from several foods as we pray and seek God. 

Pastor Rob mentioned a short Detox booklet on our Detox Series page. This short booklet is an important resource for you as it will give you three things:

  • Suggested Resources on Prayer, Fasting, & Other Spiritual Disciplines
  • Details on the Daniel Fast
  • A 12-Day Devotional through Daniel During the Daniel Fast

Be sure to check out all of our Detox resources, including our Detox Booklet here. Below is a link to download the Detox Booklet.