Experiencing Transformation through Scripture

On Sunday, we discussed how Vintage Church believes that one of the primary reasons vGroups exist is for transformation. We looked at Mark 2:1-12 and how Jesus healed a paralytic holistically, forgiving him of his sin and allowing him to walk again. We also saw how community is instrumental in transformation. While community cannot transform you, it can lead you to transformation. If you missed the sermon, you can catch it here

One of the ways we discussed how transformation happens in our vGroups is through Scripture. Vintage Church believes that because Scripture is God's inspired word, we encounter God through reading and studying Scripture. We also believe that real transformation doesn't only come through a deep in-depth study of the Bible. Instead, we believe that the best transformation occurs through reading the Bible and applying it in our lives. What we know about God should change how we feel about God and that should ultimately change how we live for God. 

If Scripture is so important to our transformation, we should probably spend time reading Scripture. While we will always do this in our vGroups, I want to encourage you to spend time reading on your own first. Get in the Word and allow it to transform your life. 

Where Do I Start?

You might want to read Scripture but wonder, "where do I start?" One of the best places to start is with a Bible Reading plan that guides you through Scripture. Below are some great examples to get you started. 

2-Year Bible Reading Plan

For some people, whether new to the faith or not, reading the Bible in one year is a daunting task. If you've never set out to read the Bible before or you've tried in the past and struggled, the "2-Year Bible Reading Plan" might be for you. This plan is designed for someone to read through the Bible in a 2-year period. 

The Discipleship Journal Reading Plan

In this plan, there are four readings per day, two from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. The other great thing about this plan is that in each month there are only twenty-five days of readings. So, you’ll have five to six days off where you can catch up if you’ve fallen behind or use those days to study a passage that you’ve already read.

30 Days with Jesus

This is a great plan for a new believer or someone who had trouble with regularly reading the Bible. This plan, however, is also great for that person who wants to focus on the life of Jesus. This plan would be great during the Advent or Lent season as we approach two very important times in the life of Jesus and the church. 

Read the Story

This plan is a 90-day reading plan designed to give you an overview of the story of the Bible. For someone who has never read the Bible before or is unfamiliar with the metanarrative or "Big Story" of Scripture, this reading plan is a great place to start.