Christ(ian) Transformation Requires Character Formation

Christ(ian) Transformation Requires Character Formation

Living the Christ life is the most fulfilling life there is, but it comes with a price. The grace that God gives us is not cheap, but rather came with a great cost. We must each intentionally pursue and seek the Lord so that we can experience what it really means to be one of his disciples. The word disciple means ‘learner,’ which should remind us that we never arrive and we must keep learning and growing each day. This formation begins with the heart and then overflows into our actions.

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Experiencing Transformation through Prayer

Experiencing Transformation through Prayer

On Sunday, we continued our vGroups series, looking at how vGroups exist for transformation. If you missed the sermon, you can check it out here. We talked about how transformation ultimately comes through two means: Scripture and prayer. Yesterday, we noted the importance of being in the Word both individually as well as communally. You can find that blog post here

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Experiencing Transformation through Scripture

Experiencing Transformation through Scripture

On Sunday, we discussed how Vintage Church believes that one of the primary reasons vGroups exist is for transformation. We looked at Mark 2:1-12 and how Jesus healed a paralytic holistically, forgiving him of his sin and allowing him to walk again. We also saw how community is instrumental in transformation. While community cannot transform you, it can lead you to transformation. If you missed the sermon, you can catch it here

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vGroups: Join a Group. Change Your Life

vGroups: Join a Group. Change Your Life

On Sunday, Vintage Church kicked off our latest series, vGroups. If you've been at Vintage Church for any amount of time, you know that for the past several years, we have had Community Groups throughout the greater New Orleans area. While our Community Groups are incredible, we are renaming our Community Groups to vGroups for three reasons

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