One Another
/April 1
Acts 2:42–47
“And all who believed were together and had all things in common.”
Christianity has always been a communal religion. In our Western American culture, we celebrate independence. The more isolated the better. Needing help is a sign of weakness. This independence is foreign to the Bible. From the beginning the church gathered together regularly, loving and caring for one another. The church in Acts worshipped together, ate together, and shared their things together. They knew that they needed one another.
Despite what our culture tells us, we need one another. Community is essential not only to Christianity but to life in general. While many see Lent as an individualistic exercise, Lent has always been a communal exercise. We need one another. We are prone to wander off course. We are prone to cut corners. We are prone to sin. A community of believers provides care, encouragement, and accountability. The church in Acts was together because they knew they needed one another. They couldn’t do life without other believers. Don’t abandon the church. Don’t abandon other believers. Fight isolation. Instead build closer relationships with people in the church. Open up and share. Do life with one another. This Lent season pursue God with others.
- How connected are you to the local church? Why are you more or less connected to the church?
- What can you do now to build greater community with the local church?
- How can the church strengthen how the Lord uses your Lent season?