#socialmedia #itssocial #misunderstood

#socialmedia #itssocial #misunderstood

Many children and adults who have autism find that social skills are extremely challenging. This has been true for my son, Lawton, for all of his 24 years. I have been trying to instruct and encourage appropriate social interactions for his entire life. This has been particularly difficult when he wants to tell someone exactly what he thinks. To help those who are not around someone like Lawton on a regular basis understand what I am talking about, here are a few examples. 

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The Aloneness of Autism

The Aloneness of Autism

It's not very often that I am completely alone. This is because I have an adult child with Autism. Even if Lawton is not with me, I am always available to him by phone, call, or text message.

April is Autism Awareness month, and April 2 is Autism Awareness Day. For the past several years, I have asked close friends and family to wear blue, eat Chick-fil-a nuggets or McDonald's pancakes (his favorites), or go to GameStop. The purpose of this is to remind our family and friends to stop and think of Lawton and pray for him. I ask these folks to take a photo of themselves and post it to social media with Lawton's hashtag, #lawtism. I want Lawton to see how much he is loved and how many friends he has who care about him and are praying for him. If I am honest, it's not just for him, it's for me too.

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Unexpected Joy

Unexpected Joy

Our first 5 children were born fairly close together and my husband and I agreed that our family was complete.  Four years after the 5th one was born we had some unexpected news, baby 6 was on the way! We were thrilled and thankful for this gift from the Lord. The day Lawton was born, we had many things that were unexpected. Our baby boy was in distress and when he was first born, we were not sure he would survive. By God's mercy, he did survive and our family of 8 adjusted pretty well.

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