What Is Joy?

What Is Joy?

A quick google search provides these descriptions of joy:

  • “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”

  • Synonyms: delight, great pleasure, joyfulness, jubilation, triumph, exultation, rejoicing, happiness, gladness, glee, exhilaration, exuberance, elation, euphoria, bliss, ecstasy, rapture.

We can agree there’s a difference between “joy” and “happiness," but how are they different? We’re not going to necessarily talk about those differences in this post, but I will be writing about happiness in a couple weeks, so hopefully the differences will be communicated between the two posts. 

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Unexpected Joy

Unexpected Joy

Our first 5 children were born fairly close together and my husband and I agreed that our family was complete.  Four years after the 5th one was born we had some unexpected news, baby 6 was on the way! We were thrilled and thankful for this gift from the Lord. The day Lawton was born, we had many things that were unexpected. Our baby boy was in distress and when he was first born, we were not sure he would survive. By God's mercy, he did survive and our family of 8 adjusted pretty well.

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